Sungshin Women's University, auspiciously located near my home. Home-cooked meal, Korean-style Jeju Island phone booths Subway umbrella salesman Student's book about Lincoln. Editor's note: Not my hat.
Thank you for sharing your photos! I really enjoyed looking at them.
That's funny that your name means "rice". The picture of the food has made me so hungry for Korean. I think I won't be cooking dinner tonight and I'll have my husband bring some home ;) I love bulgogi and kim pahp!
어서 오세요! A work in progress...The life and thoughts of an American English teacher in South Korea. Bob means "rice" in Korean, and my students gave me the Korean name "Bobsama".
The Sungshin poster girl's a babe!
Max, at 12:43 PM
Thank you for sharing your photos! I really enjoyed looking at them.
That's funny that your name means "rice". The picture of the food has made me so hungry for Korean. I think I won't be cooking dinner tonight and I'll have my husband bring some home ;) I love bulgogi and kim pahp!
Those phone booths are cool.
Tracy, at 12:10 PM
Bob, looks like you finished your contract and bailed out of Korean without giving closure to your blog?
Max, at 6:38 AM
You're tagged, Bobsama! 8 fun facts puhleeze. From Stranger in Suwon.
Eva Karrin McKinnon, at 8:53 PM
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