"The festival originates...as a way to exterminate harmful insects. It reveals Jeju Island's unique traditions, while allowing for modern commercial sighting [sp]."
Hello, I'm Emma Jang from WorknPlay in Seoul, Korea. I read about your interesting Jeju Fire Festival experience on your personal blog. Would you consider also sharing about this festival on WorknPlay's website? You could use this opportunity to publicize your blog, by include a link to your website. Here is the announcement about WorknPlay promotion. http://www.worknplay.co.kr/forums/forumsView.php?bbsID=forums&num=22941&cateCode=,I2V,B2F&start=&page= Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like more information. Thank you.
Emma Jang WorknPlay.co.kr WorknPlay is looking for bloggers for our new website! Ran Building 3F, 1621-18, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-070 Tel: 070-568-7536 Email: eunjung@worknplay.co.kr Website: http://www.worknplay.co.kr
어서 오세요! A work in progress...The life and thoughts of an American English teacher in South Korea. Bob means "rice" in Korean, and my students gave me the Korean name "Bobsama".
Mmm.. So all the beneficial insects (spiders, lady bugs, etc) are given notice to leave and come back after the fire? LOL.
Max, at 10:23 PM
Hello, I'm Emma Jang from WorknPlay in Seoul, Korea. I read about your interesting Jeju Fire Festival experience on your personal blog. Would you consider also sharing about this festival on WorknPlay's website? You could use this opportunity to publicize your blog, by include a link to your website.
Here is the announcement about WorknPlay promotion.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like more information.
Thank you.
Emma Jang
WorknPlay is looking for bloggers for our new website!
Ran Building 3F, 1621-18, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-070
Tel: 070-568-7536
Email: eunjung@worknplay.co.kr
Website: http://www.worknplay.co.kr
Unknown, at 7:56 PM
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